Alternative Singer/Songwriter
Ask around Michael Massimo’s local music scene and you might hear the following: “a songwriter’s songwriter”, “a one man rock opera”, “would love to get him into the studio”, “he’s intense” and “who is Michael Massimo?”. Raised on the folk rock of the 1970’s, Massimo developed a similar style with a slight edge throughout high school. In college, due to a mismatched music roommate he was introduced to metal music. James Taylor was no match for James Hetfield and scared the young folkie. But some of that raw power was getting through. After releasing an EP and live album in that acoustic vein, the folkie had louder things to say. Foo Fighters, Stone Temple Pilots, Counting Crows-type loud. A second album was released where this transition can be heard peeking through. Soon a self-titled full on rock band was formed which bridged the gap between the two styles, as much brooding as it is jubilant, with epic themes, soaring choruses and well thought out intense lyrics. The kind of music that rewards repeated listenings; rock and roll music for grownups. The band continued to play in the NYC area for a number of years releasing an EP and a compilation album. However, the momentum was unsustainable.
Then nothing. For a while. A long while.
But now very much something! New website, new songs, new shows planned in person as well as broadcast here. What has not changed is the attitude and the mission: making music that’s true, hoping you will like it, too. For people who listen a little deeper, Massimo’s music satisfies.
Seems the Journey is Divine indeed. Welcome. And welcome back.

"Rise" - Live at Prallsville Mill